We have one chance to get I-35 right.

I-35 is a bad neighbor—it’s a physical and psychological barrier that disconnects neighborhoods; impairs safe and equitable access to, along, and across the corridor for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, people with disabilities, the elderly, health-vulnerable, and children in Central Austin; an inhospitable refuge for people enduring homelessness; and remains a visible symbol of Austin’s continuing struggle with its own history of segregation and prejudice. TxDOT’s current plans will make this barrier even worse.

The Problem.

TxDOT is proposing to widen the I-35 barrier through the middle of Austin and harming North Central Austin neighborhoods.

Our Vision.

We call on TxDOT to improve community health, safety, level of access, and quality of life of people who live and work along I-35.

Call to Action.

If you live or work in north central Austin, this project will project will affect how you move about Austin. Stay in touch and get involved.